PSI Automation – Formerly Baccara Australia
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A creative activity that can keep you occupied for ages! It provides an opportunity to plan, design and construct your own game.
Step 1:
Using the lid of a shoebox (or if possible cut the shoebox down to be more shallow, the box I used was quite deep which made it a little tricky to stick the paddlepop sticks down).
Draw the start, finish, and where the walls for your maze will go. For an extra challenge – draw some spots where you can cut a hole for the marble to fall out (game over – start from the beginning!)
Step 2:
Cut and stick the walls of the maze down using sticky tape, and carefilly cut holes where the marble will fall through
Step 3:
Using the marker, write start and finish
Pick up the marble maze with two hands and place the marble at the start. Carefully moving and tilting the box around, can you get the marble to the finish?
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