Pressure gauges (mechanical pressure measuring instruments) for gauge, absolute and differential pressure. For the optimal solution for the widest range of applications. The pressure gauges cover scale ranges from 0 … 0.5 mbar to 0 … 6,000 bar and indication accuracies of up to 0.1 %. For the various requirements in industrial and process instrumentation there are pressure elements from copper alloys, stainless steel or special materials.
Call or email us with your requirements and we’ll find the correct gauge for you.
Temperature Gauges
We have access to a range of dial thermometers that work on the bimetal, expansion or gas actuation principle. This enables scale ranges of -200 to +700 °C in different class accuracies, response times and resilience to environmental influences. Diverse connection designs, stem diameters and individual stem lengths enable a flexible measuring point design.
Call or email us with your requirements and we’ll find the correct gauge for you.